Feature: Downloading Files and Productions From Your GoldFynch Cases With Their Original File Names

06 November 2019 by Mithun Balraj ediscovery production

GoldFynch has just added a much-requested feature: you can now download files from your case in bulk with their original file names! You can also prefix files’ Bates numbers onto their original file names.

Files downloaded with their Bates numbers prefixed

It’s quick and simple, too. Just tag all the files you want to download (you can skip this step if you want to download all the files in your case) then open the Production Wizard and follow the steps of production as normal.

There are a few things you need to make sure to do:

In Step 2, choose the tags of files to be included, or don’t select any tags if you want all the files in your case to be downloaded.

In Step 3, make sure to select either the ‘Native files’ or the ‘Document-based PDFs’ production outputs.

choose either the native files or document-based PDFs production outputs

If you want Bates numbering in your files, choose an item sort order in Step 5.

Choose a sort order if you are using bates numbering

In Step 8, enter a prefix for your Bates numbers and number padding if you wish, and if you are including Bates numbering into your file naming.

Select prefixes for your Bates numbering and number padding if you wish

Finally, in Step 9 select how you want files to be named from the available options.

choose a file naming mode

Finally, review your production in Step 10 and hit the ‘Produce’ button!

Click here to learn more about productions in general.

Looking for other production features? Here are some more that GoldFynch offers: