Looking to learn the basics of GoldFynch?
GoldFynch 101 is a short, free course that will teach you all the core concepts and features of the eDiscovery platform.
Once you’ve completed the course you can choose to take an optional test (for a one-time fee) to get a certificate qualifying your proficiency with GoldFynch - display this certificate on Linkedin and your CV to build your credibility!
Are you already a GoldFynch expert? Take the course as a quick refresher and move on to the test.
And keep your eye on this space - we’ll soon have an advanced course and certification for you!
Learn how the platform works in a systematic, step-by-step manner to work more effectively and efficiently
Understand the eDiscovery process better and strengthen your core skills
Improve the quality and speed of your eDiscovery review, reduce mistakes and oversights, and equip yourself to avoid having to consult the documentation or contact technical support
Build and display your credibility
Want to jump straight to the test? Take the test here