The Importance of Legal Holds in eDiscovery

28 February 2024 by Anith
Legal holds are a critical aspect of eDiscovery, ensuring the preservation and protection of information that could be potentially relevant during litigation. It is of utmost importance that both legal professionals and organizations understand the concept of legal holds.

Understanding the Significance of Native Files in eDiscovery

21 February 2024 by ROSS
Native files are the best option for eDiscovery as they contain the rawest and most accurate form of your case data. Also, they consume less space and it is easy to know if they have been tampered with. So it's always better to ask for native files over TIFFs and PDFs

How Predictive Coding Revolutionizes Document Review in Legal Cases

19 February 2024 by Uday
The process of document review in the legal sector has slowly been undergoing transformation. The advent of predictive coding is further changing the way lawyers handle and manage large volumes of data.

6 E-mail eDiscovery Dateitypen (muss wissen): PST, MSG, EDB, OST, EML & MBOX

14 February 2024 by Uday
1) PST: Eine Gruppe von E-Mails. 2) MSG: Eine einzige E-Mail. 3) EDB: Eine E-Mail -Datenbank auf einem Server. 4) OST: Offline-E-Mails, 5) EML: Eine einzelne Nicht-Outlook-E-Mail. 6) MBOX: Eine Gruppe nicht-outlook-E-Mails.

Why the best eDiscovery software automatically processes your files, and for free!

14 February 2024 by ROSS
eDiscovery file processing is a complicated task and that is why free automatic processing of your files is a game changer..