Updates to GoldFynch's File Listing
GoldFynch has updated the way that file families are displayed
Viewing files
Earlier when you uploaded a file that contained attachments (in the case of emails,) compressed data (ZIP files) or even PST files that contained entire collections of emails, a folder with the same name as the parent file would be created at the same location in the case as the parent file, with the child files inside it.
Now, instead of a new folder being created, parent files will display text beside them that you can click on to view the child files.
Click on "Browse" to view the zipped files
Click on "Browse atts" to view the file's attachments
Apart from this, they will function the same way they used to - you will still be able to move files around, rename them, perform redactions, etc. and you can still include individual files into your productions.
NOTE: In the case of some file types like MBOX, PST and ZIP files, if you click on the parent file it will present you with the original file in its native format which will not be viewable (since they are only collections of files, not documents in themselves) but a link will be provided to download the original file, as well as a link to where the child files are located.
If you are on this page, you have clicked on the parent folder. You can download and assign tags to the original file from here. To view the files it contains, click on the link
Tagging families of files
Even if files from a family of files are moved around, their connection is still maintained. For example, if your email “payments.eml” has 2 attachments “attachment1.jpg” and “attachment2.jpg” and you move attachment1.jpg to another folder, then you tag payments.eml and select the ‘Apply to entire family of each item’ option while applying the tag, attachment1.jpg will also be assigned the tag since the link between the files is stored explicitly and independent of files’ location.