How to Handle eDiscovery Emails? A Quick 4-Step Guide for Your Small Law Firm

09 January 2019 by Anith Mathai
(1) Choose the right eDiscovery software, (2) Get the emails into your software, (3) Find, tag, and redact the emails you need, (4) Produce the emails and share your production.

What's the Simplest eDiscovery Software For My Small Law Firm?

05 January 2019 by Anith Mathai
GoldFynch is powerful, intuitive, affordable, doesn't need new hardware/software, and has near-unlimited storage space.

Can Your eDiscovery Data Get Hacked? The Affordable Solution for Your Small Law Firm

28 December 2018 by Anith Mathai
Large law firms invest in expensive private eDiscovery. Instead, use cost-effective Cloud eDiscovery to protect your data from hackers and accidental security breaches.

Are You Doing Email eDiscovery Wrong? 6 Perks Your Small Law Firm Might Be Missing Out On

21 December 2018 by Anith Mathai
With the right eDiscovery software, you'll (1) Never miss crucial information, (2) Never repeat a search, (3) Protect bonus email info, (4) Stay organized, (5) Store as many emails as you want, (6) Upload files easily

eDiscovery: Where Do I Even Begin? The Quick-Start Guide For Your Small Law Firm

16 December 2018 by Anith Mathai
How will eDiscovery help my firm? Do I need eDiscovery software? How do I find it and how much will it cost me? Can someone handle eDiscovery for me?