How Much Should My Law Firm Pay For eDiscovery? (Hint: $27/mo Starter Case)

21 December 2023 by Anith
You can get an eDiscovery starter case (3 GB) for as little as $27/mo! And the fees stay just as economical as you increase your case limit all the way to 150+ GB!

Que sont les familles de fichiers eDiscovery? Et devrais-je les protéger?

18 December 2023 by Anith
Les familles de fichiers sont des groupes de fichiers associés. Et la séparation de ces «familles» dans Ediscovery peut gâcher vos données. Voici comment résoudre le problème.

4 Easy Ways To Convert PST Files into PDFs

13 December 2023 by Ross
To convert a PST to PDF you can use targeted tools, outsource the coversion, or manually convert each email using Outlook. But when converting PST files for eDiscovery it is better to use dedicated eDiscovery software as they will preserve the metadata also

Improve eDiscovery With These Simple Data Privacy & Compliance Tweaks

08 December 2023 by Uday
As more and more technology is being used in eDiscovery it is very important know and follow data privacy and compliance guidelines. You can set up your own eDiscovery best practices by following four starightforward privacy and compliances concepts

Two Productive Days At Ontario's Law Clerks' Conference (ILCO 2023)

30 November 2023 by Anith
ILCO 2023 was a chance to learn, network, and be entertained. Here's what happened and why it's worth attending law conferences like these.