Search by Email Properties
13 July 2016
John Ding
Trying to find all emails to do with a particular series of meetings? Or those to/from a specific person? Goldfynch lets you search for them using the ‘subject’, ‘to’, ‘cc’ or ‘bcc’ email fields.
Here’s how:
Using the ‘from’ filter
- Search for emails from a particular email address
- Search for emails from a particular person
Using the “subject” filter:
Using the “cc” filter:
Tip: Goldfynch lets you use partial names or subjects when searching:
- When searching for a name (in “from”, “to”, “cc”, or “bcc”), both partial and full names will work (e.g. “to: Jon Smith” or “to: jon”).
- When searching for email subjects, part of a subject will work (e.g. “subject: meeting today” or “subject: today”).