Producing files with the Production Wizard

Learn how to use GoldFynch's Production Wizard to produce your files.

To begin the production process:

  1. Navigate to the 'Productions' view by clicking on the Productions button in the left pane

  2. Open the Production Wizard tab and click on the Start Production Wizard button

Production view

Selected production options box

The 'Selected Production Options' image above is from the completed production we will make as an example for this help article

Steps of production

Step 1. Choose a name for the production

Choose production name

Step 2. Select documents for the production

During your review process, you would have tagged your files or used a search to retrieve a set of documents. GoldFynch lets you use both these tags and saved searches to select documents that are to be included in the production.

Choose production tags

You may also want to make use of the 'Invert' function to omit files with a given tag or that are part of a saved search:

Excluding files using the Invert tag function

If your tags or saved search cover some files that you would like to omit from the production, you have two options:

To use the 'Invert' feature:

Invert Tags

Excluding previously produced files from specific productions

If you would like to exclude previously produced files from specific productions -

The Document Selection section of the Selected Productions box will list out the tags and saved searches that are included in the production as well as those that have been excluded. In the image below, documents tagged with 'WILHELM', 'DOCUMENTATION', 'PRIMARY IN CASE', and those that are retrieved by the 'ACCIDENT POLICY' saved search will be produced, while documents having the tag 'TEST TAG' and 'SPECIAL TAG' will be omitted. Additionally, files that have been produced previously in the selected productions will also be excluded from the production

Selected Documents

Step 3. Choose the production output

GoldFynch offers you a number of different output formats for your productions, both with and without load files.

Choose production output format

NOTE: If you choose load file/database format as your production output, select a load file parameter profile from the drop-down menu before you click the Next: Native files option button.

To learn more about productions with load files and how to customize their parameters, click here.

Note: For the PDF only option you will need to choose the PDF format and then click on the Next: Native files option button. If you choose the Natives only option then just click on the Next: Native files option button.

Under the formats that generate load files, there are:

Among the PDF only formats:

Step 4. Choose file types to be produced natively

If you want to create a non-native production, but wish that specific files are produced in their native state, it is possible to do so. In Step 4 you will be provided with a list of all tags and quick tags in the case (that have been attached to at least 1 file), as well as the different file types. Typing a tag name or file type or extension at the top of the grid will filter the list based on the criteria entered.

Choose file types to be produced in the native format

Once you're done selecting file types to produce in their native formats, click on the Next: Production sort order button.

Note: If a partial value is entered in the filter field then the list is filtered to retrieve all the entries that have the value entered.

Step 5. Select sort order

You can sort files included in the production to reorder them, along with any sub-files they contain (like attachments and zipped files)

Choose a sort order for you production

The page will immediately update the order of the files, and when you generate your production, the files will be arranged in this order.

You will also be provided with a list of the files that are about to be added to your production, along with relevant details from their:

Step 6. Select stamp placement for the production

GoldFynch lets you stamp non-native documents with Bates Numbers, stamps from tags, and custom stamps.

NOTE: After you are done editing and placing stamps as described below, click on the Next: Redaction options button

Choosing the position of stamps

Click on the drop-down menu on the right side of the screen against Bates Stamp, or against the tags you wish to use as stamps, and select one of the available options:

Select location of stamps, resolve conflicts

Resolve conflicts, if any

If there are two or more tags assigned to the same position, you will get a chance to resolve the placement conflicts by doing one or both of the following:

Editing Stamp Text

By default, when applying tag stamps, the name of the tag is applied as the stamp. However, you can edit the text that is stamped on the documents.

To edit the text that is stamped on tagged documents, click on the edit button against a tag where it displays "Appears as (tag name)"

E.g., In the image of the "Select tag placement for production" step given above, documents with the GOLDFYNCH tag will have "GoldFynch Documents" stamped on them.

Adding Custom Stamps

You can assign custom tags to all non-native documents in the production (mimicking the behavior of Bates Stamps)

Adding page margins

If your documents already have content in their margins, you can add additional margin space to prevent the overlap of the new tags that are applied.

To add extra margin space, check the Add page margins for stamps box

REMEMBER: Click on the Next: Redaction options button once you are done assigning stamps.

Click here to learn more about custom stamping your documents

Step 7. Choose how redactions will behave in this production.

Redaction modes

The redaction mode you choose will affect how redaction areas you mark in your documents will appear in the final, produced files of the production.

Select redaction mode

Redaction box color

Select the color you want your redaction boxes to be when placed on your documents. This color choice will also affect the color of 'preview' redaction boxes.


Find more about redaction modes and redaction box colors here.

Step 8. Bates numbering options

Add Bates numbering


Step 9. File naming options

If you selected the Native or Document-based PDF output formats without load files, you will be able to select the naming of files in your production:

Select file naming options

After selecting a file naming option (or if you are not given a choice depending on the output format you selected) click on the Next: Finalize and submit production button.

Selecting the right file naming option helps you to download files with their original names. Click here to see how

Step 10. Final review and submission of your production

GoldFynch gives you a summary of your production for you to review. The system performs several checks and issues a warning if any of the selected files do not pass them. If all checks are passed then a green Produce button will be displayed at the top along with the number of files in the production and the Bates number range.

When you are done setting up your production, click on the Produce button

Click on the produce button

You will receive a notification that the production request has successfully been placed.

Confirmation that the production process has started

In case some of the files fail the checks, you will still be able to produce the documents but a warning will be displayed. Additionally, if the preview mode for redactions was selected then a warning will be displayed in the production summary

Produce despite errors and warnings

Viewing and resolving the checks and warnings issued in Step 10

The GoldFynch system issues warnings in case any of the files in the production fail the checks that are present in Step 10. The files that fail the check will be listed against the corresponding check. You can exclude the files either by individual checks or by the check category

Viewing files with issues

Expanded production summary

Resolving issues

Checks run by category

Redacted files check

This check ensures that:

You can disable redaction checking. When enabled, it will automatically adjust for the following and omit files as needed. If the check is disabled, you can manually omit files that are caught by each category of redaction checks

The list of redaction checks are:

Privilege files check

All files in the production that have privileged tags assigned to them are flagged by this check as it is common practice to omit privilege files from productions. Additionally, files that are ancestors of privileged files are flagged. This is done even if the descendant is not part of the production. This helps prevent the privileged files from being extracted and accessed through the included ancestor files

For example, a ZIP file without a privileged tag that contains a privileged Word document will be flagged in the checks. For if the ZIP was included in the production, someone could unzip it and view the privileged Word document even if it was not included in the production.

The Exclude files tagged with a privilege tag button will exclude files under the following checks:

The Exclude files tagged with a privilege tag button will not exclude files found under the following checks if the triggering files themselves do not have privilege tags:

Archives files check

This check will flag any archives that have been included in the production. You can choose to exclude the archives from the production

Files with DUPE tag check

This check flags any files that have been tagged as duplicates with the DUPE system tag so that you can avoid including duplicates in your production. You can then exclude these files from your production by clicking on the Exclude Dupes button

Files without natives check

If any of the files in the production do not have corresponding native files, they will have to be produced only as image-only in case a native file is required. This scenario can happen in case the files were part of a load file production that was imported into GoldFynch without including the natives

Processing state check

The processing state check identifies files in the production that have currently not been processed. These files will be produced as native-only files (i.e., exactly as you have uploaded them). You can exclude the unprocessed files from the production in case you want to

Malware detection check

The malware detection check identifies files in the production that could potentially be harmful (i.e., malware). In such an event, a placeholder will be generated and inserted in place of the corresponding files. Instead of inserting a placeholder, you can choose to completely exclude the files from the production using the Exclude option

Running large productions exceeding 100K files

If the created production contains more than 100k files, the Production Wizard will prompt you to split the production into smaller sets (roughly 20k - 50k files). This prompt will appear once you click on the Produce button, then you will need to:

Split the production into parts


Tracking production status and downloading completed productions

GoldFynch queues the production and gets to work on it. To track the process, or to view any completed productions, click on the Requested Productions tab of the 'Productions' view.

Click on the 'Completed' header text to sort by completion date. The completed status for your production will change from "in-progress" to the completion date once the production is completed.

Production queue

A warning icon will be present next to the production name if the production was submitted despite having errors or warnings. If you mouse over the warning icon you will be able to view all the warnings or errors associated with the production.

Production warnings

Once the production has finished processing and becomes available, click on the ... button against the production's name and then click on the Download Production option in the popup menu to download the final production as a zip file.

Download your production

You can also sort these productions by their names, dates submitted, Bates number ranges, and sizes. To sort productions by a category, click on the text of a header category that you want to sort by.

Sort your productions by clicking on a header title

Other production features

Production Wizards in progress (saving and loading while producing)

While entering details for a production, you can save the current state by clicking on the Save and Close button at the bottom of the screen. This will allow you to pick up where you left off at any point in the future.

Save the current production wizard session by clicking on save and close

The Production Wizard tab of the 'Productions' view lists these productions that require additional inputs from you. The current step of production is also listed.

Load or delete a saved production wizard

Downloading Production Load Files

GoldFynch lets you download just the production load file without having to download the entire production. Click here to learn how.

Downloading Files and Productions with their Original File Names

GoldFynch gives you the ability to download files from your case in bulk along with their original file names. You can also prefix Bates numbers to the original file names before downloading them

Click here to learn how to download files and productions with their original file names

Sharing productions

GoldFynch allows you to share productions directly through its interface, making it extremely simple to hand them over to opposing counsel. Only the final ZIP file of the production is made available to the receiving parties.

Click here to learn how to share your productions

Re-use production settings

GoldFynch lets you create a new production based on a similar older production with its re-use production settings feature.

Click here to learn more about re-using production settings

Delete production

You can easily delete productions when they are no longer needed from the Production view. Click here to learn how.

Production Parameter Summaries

GoldFynch lets you view the parameters used in the creation of your productions once you have submitted them.

Click here to learn how

Custom productions

If you need help to set up a custom production, make use of GoldFynch's Custom Production Help add-on service by clicking on the Request Help button

Production logs

With every production, GoldFynch generates a log of information about its files to help cross-reference them. The logs also contain information on which files are in their native state, whether they have any redactions, etc.

Click here for information about production logs

Production Exceptions

Any exceptions that are encountered while processing a production can be viewed using the Production exceptions screen. Click to learn more about viewing them

Setting up custom Control Parameter profiles for load files

It is possible to generate Concordance/Relativity-style load file formats with GoldFynch using preset or even custom parameters.

Click here to learn how