5 Simple Tips to Keep eDiscovery Cheap for Small Law Firms

03 December 2017 by Anith Mathai
When done right, eDiscovery can save you money. Here are 5 tips for keeping eDiscovery cheap.

The Secret to Choosing the Best Low-Cost eDiscovery Software for Your Small Law Firm

28 November 2017 by Anith Mathai
There are a lot of eDiscovery apps out there. Many are unnecessarily complicated. And even fewer are affordable. So, here are 4 things to keep in mind when choosing your software.

Low-Cost eDiscovery For Small Law Firms: Why It’s Possible, and How to Get it

27 November 2017 by Anith Mathai
eDiscovery is complicated and (usually) expensive. But there's a new generation of cheaper, faster apps, for small law firms. Here's how to get one . . .

eDiscovery Pricing: What Is My Small Law Firm Paying For? And Can It Pay Less?

09 November 2017 by Anith Mathai
Need affordable eDiscovery? Get an app that processes files for free and hosts them on the Cloud. Otherwise, you’ll end up paying too much

What Is 'Metadata'? And How Does eDiscovery Software Use It to Win Cases for Small Law Firms like Yours?

25 October 2017 by Anith Mathai
Metadata is 'data about data,' and all computer files have it. But what does that mean? Why is it such a big deal? And how is it relevant to an attorney like you? This post explains all.