3 eDiscovery Software Options First-Timers Should Know About

12 September 2021 by Anith
If you're trying to choose eDiscovery software, these are your options: (1) Repurpose the software you already have, (2) Use a simple Cloud eDiscovery service, (3) Invest in complex, advanced software. Here's what you need to know about each.

5 Simple Ways to Balance eDiscovery Costs Vs Quality

26 August 2021 by Anith
The concept of eDiscovery proportionality forces attorneys to keep costs in check, even as they search for the best possible tools for their cases. But with a little research and advanced planning, it's possible to balance costs vs. quality. The trick is to use Cloud software, choose reliable tools, and find an eDiscovery pricing system that keeps costs low in the long run.

eDiscovery Searches Are About More Than Just Finding Keywords

24 August 2021 by UV
Your eDiscovery software needs to do more than just look for keywords. It needs to help you make better searches. That's why the best search engines have features like advanced searches, slop searches, fuzzy searches, and more. Here's why that matters...

Here's How eDiscovery Software Identifies File Types

29 July 2021 by Ross
Your eDiscovery software has to identify the various 'file types' (documents, images, videos, etc.) in your case before it can process and prepare them for review. And it does this by analyzing a file's metadata, file extension, and/or its MIME type. Here's what that means...

The Wrong eDiscovery Software Can Ruin Your Data!

22 July 2021 by UV
Attorneys often choose eDiscovery software based on its price and features. But there's more to it than that. Poorly designed software can end up corrupting data, changing metadata, revealing privileged content, and more. Here's the behind-the-scenes information you should know about.