Why Set Up eDiscovery 'Managed Reviews'?

12 October 2021 by Anith
Managed eDiscovery reviews give you access to rapidly scalable review teams that are both highly trained and cost-effective. They can take on lower-priority aspects of the review, which frees up your attorneys to focus on the strategy of building a defensible case.

eDiscovery Lessons From 2020 That Your Law Firm Shouldn't Ignore

10 October 2021 by Anith
The pandemic taught us that our eDiscovery software must (1) Have a remote data collection tool, (2) Support a range of file types, (3) Be low maintenance, (4) Offer built-in data security, (5) Work on slow internet connections, (6) Provide helpful collaboration tools.

Upgrading Your eDiscovery Software: How to Switch Providers Seamlessly

05 October 2021 by Anith
Switching eDiscovery providers is often stressful. But here's the secret to a seamless transition: (1) Explore your provider's transition services, (2) Create a transition plan, (3) Master the software before showing it to your team, (4) Set a budget and stick to it.

How to Open iChat Files for eDiscovery

27 September 2021 by UV
Open iChat files using specialized eDiscovery software so you can (1) Protect metadata, (2) Search the chats for keywords, dates, usernames, etc., and (3) redact privileged information.

What Are Microsoft Outlook's File Types for eDiscovery?

20 September 2021 by Ross
Outlook stores your emails as MSGs, EMLs, PSTs, OLMs, and OSTs. But Outlook isn't ideal for eDiscovery because it changes email metadata. Instead, find an affordable Cloud eDiscovery service that can handle all Outlook's file types.