What Ediscovery Software Should I Buy? Ask These 4 Questions to Save Your Small Law Firm Time and Money.

07 June 2017 by Anith Mathai
Ediscovery is becoming affordable. But deciding which software to use is still tough. Ask yourself these 4 questions and save your small law firm time and money

Is Your Clients’ Data Safe? Cloud Computing to the Rescue for Small Law Firms.

06 June 2017 by Anith Mathai
Is your firm using cloud-computing? If not, here’s why it’s the safest way to store your clients’ data.

Can Ediscovery Tools Make You a Better Lawyer?

30 May 2017 by Anith Mathai
As a lawyer in a small firm, ediscovery can give you tools to improve your performance in 4 key ways.

Ediscovery: How it Works, and Why It Will Help Keep Your Small Law Firm Relevant

26 May 2017 by Anith Mathai
Don’t know about ediscovery? It’s the next big thing for small law firms. Here’s how it works and why you need it.

Announcing New Case Plans! Here’s What That Means and How It Will Save You Money.

25 May 2017 by Anith Mathai
Perfect for small law firms: Get flexible ediscovery and still know exactly how much you’ll be paying every month.