What Does 'Normalizing' eDiscovery Data Mean?

04 July 2021 by Ross
Normalization is the process of making sure all your data is stored using a uniform set of rules (e.g., using a specific format for phone numbers). But why is this a big deal? And why will eDiscovery fall apart without it?

Inside Scoop: Why eDiscovery Software Is Hard to Design

27 June 2021 by UV
eDiscovery software developers have 4 problems to solve: (1) Where to store customer data? (2) What document review technology to use? (3) How to make easy-to-use software? (4) Choosing a fair pricing scheme. Here's how we developed GoldFynch to solve these problems.

Find Responsive eDiscovery Files Fast With This Affordable Software

21 June 2021 by Ross
eDiscovery software like GoldFynch will find relevant/responsive case files in just seconds. Plus, it'll help you securely redact privileged information. Here's how...

How eDiscovery File 'Indexing' Really Works

14 June 2021 by UV
Databases are a way of converting the chaotic data in files and documents into a rigidly structured form that computers can process. Think of them as a more complex version of a spreadsheet table, with each spreadsheet cell representing a database 'field.' Databases transform how we review Discovery data, allowing us to sift through hundreds of GBs in just seconds. The trick is to find eDiscovery software that can harness their power but remain easy to use.

What Are Databases In eDiscovery?

13 June 2021 by UV
Databases are a way of converting the chaotic data in files and documents into a rigidly structured form that computers can process. Think of them as a more complex version of a spreadsheet table, with each spreadsheet cell representing a database 'field.' Databases transform how we review Discovery data, allowing us to sift through hundreds of GBs in just seconds. The trick is to find eDiscovery software that can harness their power but remain easy to use.