Why Do Most eDiscovery Vendors Hide Their Prices?

27 January 2022 by Anith
Vendors don't display their prices publicly when they have an overcomplicated pricing strategy. And this is because (1) They've focused on the wrong software features, (2) They're charging for the wrong things, and (3) They haven't streamlined their systems. Learn more...

What to Consider Before An eDiscovery Meet-And-Confer

22 January 2022 by Anith
Here are 6 broad topics to consider before your first meet-and-confer: (1) Where's all the data stored, (2) How much of it will you preserve? (3) How will you collect it? (4) How will you search it? (5) How will you handle privileged information, (6) What production protocols will you follow?

How To Catch PST File Errors Quickly [5x Faster]

16 January 2022 by Ross
GoldFynch's PST Analyzer is a free online tool that helps you catch PST errors early. And it's 5x faster than Microsoft's SCANPST tool. Here's what you need to know...

How to Redact PDFs Securely [It's Free and Online]

09 January 2022 by Anith
GoldFynch is designed to handle eDiscovery-level redaction, so you can trust that your PDF redactions are thorough and complete. Plus, it's all online (no software to download and install) and free.

How to Handle eDiscovery for Gmail

03 January 2022 by Anith
Gmail is perfect for emailing but not for eDiscovery. So, export your emails as an MBOX file and then do the following to review and produce them...