Comment ouvrir des fichiers MSG [avec et sans Outlook]

15 February 2023 by Anith
Pour une vérification rapide du contenu d'un fichier MSG, utilisez Microsoft Outlook ou une application tierce fiable (par exemple, la visionneuse MSG/PST de GoldFynch). Pour des tâches plus avancées comme l'eDiscovery, choisissez un logiciel spécialisé qui protège les métadonnées et peut ouvrir tous les types de MSG.

The Power of Email Metadata for eDiscovery: Why Attorneys Rely on Email Headers

26 January 2023 by Ross
Email header metadata can play a pivotal role in your legal case. So make sure you know what it is, how it's tracked, and how you can view it for eDiscovery.

Have You Leveraged eDiscovery Tech To Build Hybrid Legal Teams?

11 January 2023 by Anith
The right eDiscovery tech can simplify your hybrid team's workflows by automating tasks, allowing real-time collaboration, tracking progress through smart analytics, and protecting data using zero-trust security. Crucially, it'll do all this for as low as $27 a month.

Document Kits: A Quick Way to Share Groups of eDiscovery Files

26 December 2022 by Ross
Want to share eDiscovery files without producing them? 'Document kits' let you gather files (using custom parameters) from multiple productions without changing those source productions. So you can rapidly make and remake kits instead of reworking entire productions. Here's how it works...

Why Your Law Firm's Brand Must Be Visually Consistent

20 December 2022 by Anith
To grow your firm, you'll need a visually-consistent brand that clients can easily recognize. So, try choosing brand-neutral applications that can showcase your firm's brand and value-added services. Here's what you need to know...