2018 Audit Reveals Many Federal Agencies Are Unable to Respond to FOIA Requests. Is There a Solution?

06 August 2018 by Anith Mathai
Federal agencies struggle to cope with FOIA demands, but there is a solution: Re-purpose affordable eDiscovery software that is designed to help gather, sort through, and release data - quickly and easily.

'Drag-and-Drop' eDiscovery: The Astonishingly Simple Way For Your Small Law Firm to Do eDiscovery

31 July 2018 by Anith Mathai
The latest eDiscovery applications are surprisingly easy to use. Sign in like you do with email, search like you do with Google, store data like you do with Dropbox, and best of all - let other people handle the tech stuff!

International eDiscovery: How Your Small Law Firm Can Now Partner with Anyone, Anywhere!

23 July 2018 by Anith Mathai
Law firms in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Switzerland and more are now partnering with each other - using the power of Cloud technology.

Does Your eDiscovery Platform Handle This Common Microsoft Exchange Email Address Search Issue?

17 July 2018 by Anith Mathai
Thorough email searches can be crucial for your legal cases. Make sure your discovery platform's search engine isn't missing critical emails.

eDiscovery On-The-Go: The Exciting New Normal for Small Law Firms

12 July 2018 by Anith Mathai
Attorneys today need to be able to access their data from anywhere. And with the latest Cloud eDiscovery software, this is both possible and affordable.