Navigating and opening files in the Files view

The ‘Files’ view lets you quickly navigate between the files in your case. It also allows you to get an overview of your files, the folder structure they exist in, the file’s metadata like date, file type, size, number of pages, etc., and GoldFynch-related information like tags.

To access the ‘Files’ view, click on the ‘Files’ button in the left panel:

Click on the navigation button to open ‘Files’ view

Opening files and navigating through folders

Files (along with their file extensions like .docx, .msg, etc.) and folders are displayed in the ‘Files’ view.

The various file-viewing options of the ‘Files’ view

GoldFynch also extracts compressed files like zip and pst files. The extracted contents of such files are placed in a folder with the same name as the compressed file that replaces the compressed file in the folder that it was uploaded to. The ‘View Container File’ text is displayed to the right of such a folder’s name. It’s worth noting that the folder’s name will have the extension of the original container file that was uploaded.

View compressed file contents

For example, in the image above, the file “Native” is a zip file that was extracted. Clicking on the folder’s name will navigate into the folder and display the zipped files within it. To view the originally-uploaded zip file in the Document Viewer, you would need to click on the ‘View Container File’ text instead. A pst or mbox file would function identically.

In case the container file has processing errors you can view the error details by clicking on the ! icon next to the file listing.

Container files with processing errors

Click here to learn more about the common errors encountered while processing container files.

Opening files with compressed attachments

Some files like emails (.eml and .msg files) can contain both their own information (like the email’s subject, body text, etc.) as well as attached compressed information (i.e. email attachments.)

View email attachments

For example, in the image above clicking on “000012 - Website.msg” will open the email in the Document Viewer so that you can read the email’s message. Clicking on the ‘Browse Atts.’ button would show you its attachments in the ‘Files’ view.

If you are looking at files inside a folder, the parent folders will be displayed in the top-left corner of your screen, all the way to the primary/root folder.