Reclaiming case space

If you upload any compressed files to GoldFynch (like ZIP or PST files,) the files they contain will be automatically unzipped/extracted to your GoldFynch case. Once the processing is complete, you may want to delete the original "container" files that continue to take up space in your case in addition to the volume of the extracted files. To do so, follow the steps below.


How to view and reclaim case space

Step 1. Log in to your GoldFynch case

Step 2. Click on the Reclaim... button

Click on the Reclaim button

Step 3. Check the checkboxes of the types of files that you want to delete

Step 4. Click on the Cleanup button. The button will display the total number of items that will be deleted and the case volume that will be freed up

Check the checkboxes of items that you want to delete, then click on the Cleanup button which shows you the total volume of files thatwill be deleted