Downloading Files and Productions with their Original File Names
Downloading Files and Productions from your GoldFynch case with their original file names is very simple.
1. Tag all the files you wish to download. In case you wish to download all the files in your case then you can skip this step.
2. Open the Production Wizard and follow the steps of production as you would usually do. IMPORTANT: While executing the steps in the production wizard there are a few things that you need to make sure to do:
In Step 3 of production (Production Output), make sure that you click on either the
Natives only
button or thePDFs only
andOne PDF per document
buttons to select your production output. -
In Step 8 of production (Bates Numbering Options), if you wish to include Bates numbering in your file naming convention enter a prefix for your Bates numbers and number padding.
In Step 9 of production (File naming options), select how you want your files to be named from the available options.
Review your production in the final step of production and hit the 'Produce' button.
3. Go to the Requested Productions
tab, click on the ...
button against the production you wish to download and then click on the download option in the popup menu. You will be able to download the documents only once the entire production has been completed.
Click here to learn more about tracking production status and downloading completed productions